The Beachside Guest House – Vanessa Greene

AutorVanesse Greene
Datum15. April 2015
Seiten384 (Print-Ausgabe)

„All the time the windmill was getting closer. The place that had lit up a corner of her mind for so long – a symbol for something better, freer, happier, was now becoming real.” (Zitat Pos. 2116)


Als Iona, Rosa und Bee achtzehn Jahre alt waren, hatten sie einen wunderbaren Urlaub in einer umgebauten Windmühle auf Paros verbracht. Damals lag das Leben noch vor ihnen. Jetzt, ungefähr elf Jahre später, denkt Rosa über einen Neubeginn nach und als sie zufällig liest, dass das Windmill Guest House in Konkurs gegangen ist und zum Verkauf steht, greift sie zu. Bee, die gerade ihre bevorstehende Hochzeit abgesagt hat, weil sie plötzlich nicht mehr sicher war, übersiedelt mit Rosa nach Paros. Als sie vor dem Guest House stehen, müssen sie entsetzt feststellen, dass es wesentlich desolater ist, als auf den Fotos zu sehen war, doch Aufgeben ist keine Option für Rosa und Bee. Könnte sie das Guest House mit den schönen, gemeinsamen Erinnerungen, auch Iona wieder näherbringen, die vor zwei Jahren plötzlich allen Kontakt zu den beiden Freundinnen abgebrochen hatte?

Thema und Genre

In diesem Wohlfühlroman geht es um Frauenfreundschaft, Beziehungen, Neubeginn, und natürlich die romantische, griechische Insel Paros, wo auch in der Liebe einige Überraschungen auf die Frauen warten.

Erzählform und Sprache

Die Geschichte beginnt mit einem Prolog 2003, wird mit Kapitel 1 im Oktober 2014 fortgesetzt und chronologisch weitererzählt. In den einzelnen Kapiteln steht jeweils eine der drei Hauptfiguren Rosa, Bee und Iona im personalen Mittelpunkt, in anderen Kapiteln auch alle gemeinsam. Die Sprache ist sehr angenehm zu lesen und Romane wie dieser bieten sich an, englische Bücher in der Originalsprache zu lesen, um perfekt in die Stimmung einzutauchen.


Eine entspannte, aber nicht seichte, Wohlfühlgeschichte mit griechischer Urlaubsstimmung und Inselfeeling.

The Seafront Tea Rooms – Vanessa Greene

AutorVanessa Greene
Datum8. September 2014
AusgabeKindle – English
Seiten417 (Print-Ausgabe

„It enveloped her, as comforting as a duvet on a chilly winter’s day. The interior of the Seafront was reassuringly familiar – the wooden tables neatly laid with pressed white tablecloths, the delicate china teacups lining the shelves, and the 1920s table lamps.“ (Zitat Seite 8)


Charlie, gerade von Ben getrennt, schreibt seit acht Jahren für die Zeitschrift Indulge und ist für die nächste Ausgabe verantwortlich, sie könnte Chefredakteurin werden. Daher soll ihr Artikel etwas Besonderes werden, sie ist auf der Suche nach den besten englischen Tea Rooms. Ihr Weg führt sie nach Scarborough, wo ihre Schwester Pippa mit ihrer Familie lebt. Dort entdecke sie Letty und ihre Seafront Tea Rooms und lernt die alleinerziehende Mutter Kat mit ihrem kleinen Leo kennen und Séraphine aus Frankreich, die gerade als au pair für die zehnjährige Zoe in Scarborough tätig ist. Charlie ist fasziniert von den Seafront Tea Rooms, doch Kat kann sie überzeugen, diesen besonderen Rückzugsort nicht in ihren Artikel aufzunehmen, sondern gemeinsam weitere Adressen zu erkunden. Doch es sind nicht nur besondere Tea Rooms und dort die Afternoon Teas mit Scones und Kuchen, die sie entdecken, sondern sie finden auch für sich selbst heraus, wer sie sind und wie sie ihr weiteres Leben gestalten wollen.

Thema und Genre

In diesem Roman geht es um englische Küstenorte, Familie, Liebe, Enttäuschungen, persönliche Probleme und Krisen. Es geht um Zusammenhalt und Frauenfreundschaft, aber auch um die besonderen, für England typischen Teestuben. Auch die Freude am Backen spielt eine Rolle.

Erzählform und Sprache

Die Geschichte wird chronologisch erzählt, von Mitte August bis Anfang November, wobei die drei Hauptfiguren abwechselnd oder auch gemeinsam im Mittelpunkt stehen. Die Kapitel tragen das jeweils Tag und Datum als Überschrift und manche Ereignisse können so gleichzeitig, aber an verschiedenen Orten und mit nur einer der Hauptfiguren stattfinden. Dies garantiert ein genussvolles Lesen. Romane wie diese lese ich prinzipiell in der englischen Originalsprache und bin dann schon mit dem ersten Satz auch mit meinen Gedankenbildern mitten im Geschehen.


Eine gemütliche, bezaubernde Wohlfühlgeschichte für entspannte Stunden.

The Christmas Wish – Tilly Tennant

AuthorTilly Tennant
Date28 November 2019

“Then stop second-guessing all the time and learn to live for the moment. You won’t see any of these people again after this week so who cares what they think?” (Page 174)


Three years ago, Esme Greenwood had left for London, to live with her fiancée Warren. Three months ago she found out that he is married and went back to stay with her grandmother Mathilde at Thimble Cottage in Little Dove Morton, a small village. Soon it will be Christmas when grandmother Mathilde suddenly dies. This makes it easy for Warren to persuade her to come back to him. However, there are still two tickets for a Christmas week in Lapland, her Christmas present from her grandmother, but over-controlling, egoistic Warren refuses. Therefore, one day, when Warrren has left for work, she just packs her suitcase and takes a cab to the airport. Lapland, the place of her childhood dreams, is waiting, together with a fantastic scenery, lots of snow, Santa’s village and some surprises too.

Theme and Genre

A heartwarming, typical Christmas romance, which takes place in Lapland.


Esme is likeable and witty, but when it comes to Warren, she still believes his promises, and still struggles to understand that Warren definitely is not good for her.

Plot and Writing

The story is romantic, with amazing portrayals of Lapland, Rovaniemi, the Northers lights and traditional Christmas festivities. The main part are the days in Lapland, Esme making new friends with other single travelers, and enjoying spectacular experiences of nature and romantic Christmas sceneries. But there are many, in my opinion too many, pages about Esme thinking about Warren, how much he needs her, still finding new excuses for his behavior and feeling guilty, again insecure and worthless, and this began to annoy me a bit, dimming the Christmassy, enjoyable mood of the story.


An entertaining, romantic Christmas read with lively and impressive descriptions of Lapland in December, but a sometimes-annoying heroine.

The Bookshop on the Shore – Jenny Colgan

AuthorJenny Colgan
Date13 June 2019

“They went past dark hedgerows and low-roofed outhouses, before The Beeches finally revealed itself. It was the spookiest place Zoe had ever seen in her life.” (quotation page 62)


Zoe, a single mother of four-years-old Hari desperately needs a job and somewhere to live, because she cannot afford her flat in London any more. That is why she comes to Inverness to assist pregnant Nina with the bookshop in the vintage van. There also are the children of her new landlord Ramsay Urquart, two boys, twelve and five years old, and nine years old Mary. Zoe has to look after them in the morning and evenings, until the housekeeper arrives. The children are special, the house, more a castle, is dark and cold, but the nature was just breathtaking and her son Hari adores five years old Patrick. Would Zoe be able to bring about some changes, definitely needed in her new place?

Theme and Genre

Another chick-lit novel with substance and depth, a special genre, the author is famous for. It is about being different from others, about family, motherhood, fathers and children. Books are only a second theme.


Zoe is likeable, mostly down-to-earth and strong in there own way. We also meet again Nina, still known as the main character from “The Bookshop on the corner”, but she is now quite bossy. The characters are well described with realistic behavior, especially the children.

Plot and Writing

There are enjoyable descriptions of the beautiful Scottish landscape and the old, aristocratic country house, in urgent need of any kind of warmth and renovation. The story is well developed, gripping and has the right touch of romance and wit, but there are other novels by Jenny Colgan, I liked more.


An enjoyable read for cosy afternoons.

The Inaugural Meeting of the Fairvale Ladies Book Club – Sophie Green

AuthorSophie Green
Date1 March 2018
Pages432 (Print edition)

“Kate smiled brightly at Sallyanne and Sybil felt something click inside her: she would like to think it was the sound of things shifting into place but perhaps it was merely relief.” (Quotation pos. 833)


In 1978, Sybil Baxter is fifty-one years old, married to Joe and since twenty-six years lives on Fairvale, in Australia’s Northern Territory, a remote vastness with difficult climate conditions. Her new book club brings together five very different women: herself, her British daughter-in-law Kate, her old friend Rita, nurse and member of the Flying Doctors, Sallyanne, mother of three children and Della from Texas, doing a man’s job just to feel free. They soon learn that their group is much more than just books, its female friendship and helping each other through difficult times.

Theme and Genre

A brilliant novel about friendship and the strength of women under adverse conditions and in a rough environment in the late seventies and early eighties. It is also about changes and the possibilities life could offer. Important topics are books and Australia’s North.


Every single main character is well described, individual, authentic with edges and contours, and definitely loveable. In these few years they have to cope with decisions and changes, new developments, not always voluntarily chosen.

Plot and Writing

Each year starts with a summary of international events happened during the year. The life of the five female protagonists is told chronologically with memories and flashbacks. There are chapters and each is mainly focusing on one of the main characters, on more only if they meet. The story is gripping and the descriptions of the rural life and the beautiful but rough environment are very well researched, detailed and the perfect, interesting addition to the story.  The books read by the Fairvale Book Club invite to further backlist reading about the topic.


An enjoyable, gripping read with loveable characters and captivating descriptions of the landscape and lifestyles marked by nature and the different seasons. At the end of the story it feals like leaving well-known friends.

The Endless Beach – Jenny Colgan

AuthorJenny Colgan
Date11 January 2018
Pages448 (Print edition)

„I need to know you, and I need you to know me.“ (pos. 5225)

Content – Book Cover

On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It’s a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, feels safe and content – unless she thinks too hard about her relationship with Joel, her gorgeous but emotionally (and physically) distant boyfriend.

While Flora is in turmoil about her relationship. her best friend Lorna is pining after the local doctor. Saif came to the island as a refugee, having lost all of his family. But he’s about to get some shocking news which will change everything for him.

As cold winter nights shift to long summer days, can Flora find her happy-ever-after with Joel?

Theme and Genre

This book is part two of a series and it tells again the story and struggles of Flora and Joel, but this time the main part is about Colton and Fintan. One theme are the damages, war does to children. Another theme is foster care. The story is also about how to deal with cancer as a fatal disease. All these topics are embedded in a romantic feel-good-story on the fictional, beautiful island of Mure.


We meet again the characters known from book one and they still struggle between misunderstandings and feelings.

Plot and Writing

Jenny Colgan is an experienced author with an enjoyable writing style and she knows how to plot stories that are funny and sad in the same time. Even though part one of the series, The Summer Seaside Kitchen, is the first book of Jenny Colgan that could nor really convince me because of the endless misunderstandings that made the reading a little bit boring, I tried to give part two a chance. Again lots of thinking and misunderstandings, together with many – in my opinion too many – very serious themes in a very cozy story, which for me did not work.


A nice read for summer afternoons, a beautiful island, friendly people. A heartwarming story for romantic readers where even tragic ends in happily ever after – for me just too much of everything.